Zelya Energy

Tariffing and remuneration of access to the gas network and regasification terminals

With the liberalisation of the European gas markets, the operation of natural gas infrastructures (lng and storage installations) and networks (transmission and distribution) are separated activities, regulated by national authorities.

Similarly, other States (in Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Gulf countries...) are also implementing reforms to liberalise their gas sectors on the European model.

Our services

Zelya Energy plays an important advisory role for gas network operators, network and infrastructure users, and energy regulators, particularly assisting them to:

  • set, calculate or simulate regulated or non-regulated infrastructure access rates;
  • determine or evaluate access conditions and balancing penalties;
  • evaluate the weighted average cost of capital and incentive remuneration of investments;
  • develop a strategy for the development of gas networks to ensure supply-demand balance and the development of competition;
  • implement national reforms to separate activities and regulate networks and infrastructures;
  • ...

Tariffing and remuneration of access to the gas network and regasification terminals

Examples of interventions

Comparative evaluation of profitability and investment remuneration in gas networks, storage and LNG facilities ;

Setting rules and rates for network and storage access capacity usage ;

Economic and financial valuation of transport, storage network operators, etc. ;

Assistance in establishing a midstream gas industry ;

Assistance in digitising gas operations and flows ;

And customised advice.

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