Zelya Energy

Do you wish to analyze or optimize the performance of a solar power plant?

Technical advice and performance analysis of photovoltaic solar parks

Our teams carry out punctual audits and support operational activities with optimization solutions and applications.

  • analysis of operation and curative and preventive maintenance reports
  • modeling of the guarantee availability rate
  • site visit, analysis of the state and operation of electrical and electronic equipment
  • if necessary, real-time feedback of key production information
  • and web analysis applications of production, allowing to identify in real-time fragile equipment and explain the origins of alarms and shutdowns

Our team has audited and accompanied several hundred megawatts in projects or in operation.

Our understanding of market operations and our detailed knowledge of the profitability issues of renewable assets allows us to provide complete solutions, meeting operational needs on the ground as well as managerial and financial requirements at management levels.

Technical advice and performance analysis of photovoltaic solar parks

Our due diligence services

Technical due diligence

Study of grid connection conditions

Support services to operations

Study of possible power increase

Production and performance monitoring dashboards

Audit advice and due diligence of photovoltaic solar parks

Technical due diligence


Technical due diligence is a complement to regulatory due diligence. It helps validate the general technical characteristics and quantify the uncertainties and risks on the values retained for the output of a park or a portfolio of wind farms.

More specifically, it aims to :

identify any inconsistencies between the design and production, operation and maintenance conditions

validate general technical characteristics of the park or portfolio: resource, losses, performance, availability, production

quantify uncertainties and risks that could negatively impact these technical characteristics;

recommend realistic assumptions on these technical characteristics for the financial valuation model;

recommend, list and prioritize suitable suspensive conditions in the context of a purchase bid submission

Content / Steps

To evaluate the production to be retained and quantify the uncertainties and risks of variation of its value, we carry out the following tasks:

collection of relevant documents: equipment supply contracts, operation and maintenance contracts, insurance contracts, connection and access to networks, resource and production study, etc.

Technological analysis and evaluation of the overall design of the equipment

examination of the resource and yield study

analysis of technical clauses of contracts: gross yield, availability and output, guaranteed and insured

See related services below

Securing grid connection capacities for photovoltaic solar parks

Study of technical conditions for connection to networks


The study of technical connection conditions of a wind park or a portfolio to the electricity transport or distribution networks is a complement to technical due diligence.

It is necessary when it is required to more specifically examine the optimization of the connection from a technical and electrical point of view (acceptable line loss level to the delivery point, reasonable unavailability and shedding rates at the grid level,...), and, more generally, whether the design and operating conditions of the internal electrical installation are compatible with that of the connection to the electricity networks.

More specifically, it aims to :

identify any inconsistencies between the design and operating conditions of the interior installation and the connection infrastructure

validate technical characteristics of the grid connection

quantify uncertainties and risks that could negatively impact the wind farm's production

recommend realistic hypotheses on these technical characteristics for the financial evaluation model

recommend, list and prioritize suitable suspensive conditions or possible improvements

Special case of an under-project wind farm / Steps

For a wind farm or a portfolio under-project, it is possible to complete the analysis of the only usually available documents (connection study, technical and financial proposal) with a prospective analysis of predictable grid connection convention, operation convention and network access contract, given the current regulation and legislation

See related services : Optimization and negotiation of grid connection conditions


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