The future operators of power plants producing electricity, boilers producing heat, as well as cogeneration plants from biomass, must produce a hazard study file in their application for a classified installation for environmental protection (ICPE).
This is an obligation resulting from Article R512-1 of the Environment Code, while Article R512-9 of the same code describes its content.
In some cases, and as needed, this hazard study must be updated.
Our services
Zelya Energy supports you in the establishment or updating of the hazard study file:
- writing of the non-technical summary ;
- development of risk mapping ;
- description and analysis of the installations, environment and neighborhood ;
- identification, characterization and reduction of potential hazards ;
- accident analysis ;
- risk assessment ;
- modeling of dangerous phenomena ;
- analysis of possible domino effects ;
- presentation of organizational and management measures.
We put together the hazard study file with you in close consultation with the prefectural administration (DREAL and DGPR) and complete it with aspects specific to your project.
We ensure the compliance of the hazard study with the relevant regulatory prescriptions (decrees, orders, circulars, etc.), as well as the consideration of formalized recommendations by the profession and best practices.