Zelya Energy

The integration of data from wind farm Scada, electric grids, wholesale and balancing markets is a strong challenge for operators and producers.

Indeed, a multitude of data can be collected from different sources, such as :

  • SCADA data from turbines and wind farms
  • Wholesale electricity prices
  • Market adjustment prices and constraints
  • Meteorological data.

These data can be collected from the telecommunication boxes of wind farms, connected sensors, programming interfaces (APIs) provided by network managers, as well as by third-party suppliers. They can then be integrated with the company's internal data.

We intervene in the integration of these data, in order to automate control, analysis and optimization of wind activities as intuitive applications.

The digitalization of the operations of operators and electricity producers is a major challenge. Nevertheless, it cannot be done hastily because data alone is not enough. Wind expertise, dialogue and understanding capacities are needed to make data integration a real performance gain.

Our 20 years of expertise in the sector allow us to exploit IT by making it a real added value in the digitalisation process. Far from needing to redo dashboards, and insufficiently shaped and transformed data, Zelya designs custom-made systems and applications, simple and efficient, designed for their users.

Discover WindDeep, our dedicated wind farm software for performance and prediction

Softwares and conception of wind farm applications with Artificial intelligence and data integration

Examples of projects

  • Consolidated economic evaluation of wind and solar portfolios
  • Collection and analysis of SCADA and market data to optimize performance
  • Real-time analysis of alarms, availability rates, and turbine failure risk
  • Collection of weather and network data, AI analysis to adjust P50s, finely analyze fields and anticipate hourly production

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Our expertise

How to retrieve wind SCADA data and implement APIs

Data recovery / API

  • Collection of data through public data APIs, such as EnedisOpenData, RTE, WindData, ...
  • Using scripts to retrieve private data, such as SCADA data, measuring points and sensors.
  • Integration and homogenization of all internal data


Computer company for processing and integrating wind data, creating dashboards

Data processing & Formatting

Once the different strategic data have been identified, retrieved and integrated into the company, the question arises of their use and restitution.

  • Choice of the data to be collected and calculated according to the different needs of individuals and the company
  • Calculation, aggregation and formatting scripts
  • Creation of custom dashboards for several operational divisions or actors in the company

Our dedicated wind application:


WindDeep, the wind operation management and optimization application

Our WindDeep® platform dedicated to wind is:

  • Responsive and accessible from all smartphones, tablets and laptops
  • Integrated, meeting the needs of different departments and roles: technicians, maintenance and operating services, managers, and even financial analysts
  • Ultra-intuitive, with real-time updated data and dashboards
  • Manipulable: time intervals adjust in one click and performance reports are generated automatically
  • Usable: graphs, tables and data are intuitively exportable and shareable in several formats such as jpg, xls, pdf.
Analytical dashboards of alarms and wind turbine stops

Monitoring. It provides real-time updated dashboards, with key information such as :

  • the operating state of each turbine, its load factor,
  • the availability rate of each turbine and the wind farm,
  • Basic technical indicators (inclination, temperature, etc.),
  • the actual and current path on the power curve,
  • the origin and occurrence of turbine stops,
  • the list of alarms for each turbine and each piece of equipment.
Computer application for wind farm management and maintenance

Performance. It allows a thorough analysis of the stops and alarms of wind farms:

  • Analysis of performance achieved and comparison with the theoretical performance that should have been achieved,
  • Explanatory analysis of underperformance thanks to the generation of alarm lists and associated losses,
  • Generation of decision-making indicators,
  • Analysis of losses by equipment,
  • Frequency and scheduling of stops,
  • GANTT diagram of the unavailability of each piece of equipment,
  • Customizable and exportable analysis, in one click, month by month and turbine by turbine.



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