Specific to France, the distribution of electricity and natural gas is a local public service and forms one of the components of local energy policies.
A legacy of French heritage, the non-nationalised distributors (DNN) group together nearly 160-170 local electricity and natural gas distribution companies (ELD) with different legal statuses (EPLIC, SAEML, SICAE), sometimes integrated into the segments of production (hydroelectric, thermal), supply and direct distribution.
Today, these ELDs have to face the liberalisation of the retail supply market (end of regulated tariff contracts), as well as the dual prospect of renewing concession contracts and an increasing intervention by the energy regulator in terms of approving access conditions, setting tariffs and remunerating investments.
In this context, several strategies are possible both for local authorities, in their capacity as organising authorities, and for the ELDs themselves, as network managers: grouping between ELDs, geographical or horizontal diversification of supply activity, opening of capital to minority shareholders (SEM), elaboration of a real local energy strategy and policy at the level of the municipal, departmental territory, etc.
Our services
Zelya Energy supports local authorities, in their capacity as organising authorities for the distribution of electricity and natural gas, as well as local natural gas and/or electricity distribution companies (ELD) in their development strategy:
- Development of a natural gas and/or electricity supply scenario;
- Assistance in the development of decentralised electricity production plants;
- Legal study on the injection of renewable natural gas (biomethane);
- Technical audit, regulatory due diligence and financial valuation in the context of acquisition, disposal or grouping;
- Financial valuation of the natural gas distribution network and assistance in negotiations in the context of the entry of a minority shareholder (SEM);
- Support in negotiations with the energy regulator for the determination of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC);
- Assistance during the renegotiation of a distribution concession renewal;
- Support in the development of tariff formulas in case of concession renewals;
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