Zelya Energy has its own database of power and cogeneration plants and heat production boilers in France. This database was designed with a view to economic intelligence, investment and territorial planning.
Concretely, Zelya Energy uses it on behalf of its clients to list the assets of a chosen energy group, to identify potential investment targets that meet specific criteria, or to draw up an energy balance sheet for a department or region.
This database provides information about sites, assets and operators that can be visualized in 3D and summarized in the form of statistics.
Database content:
Information related to the sites
- Name of the power plant or boiler
- Name of the connected heat network, if applicable
- Geographic location
- Administrative localities
- etc.
Information related to the assets
- Unit and total electric power
- Unit and total thermal power
- Annual energy and heat produced
- Number of annual operating hours
- Type of fuels
- Annual quantity of fuel consumed
- Thermal efficiency
- Electric efficiency
- Date of commissioning
- etc.
Information related to operators
- Capital structure
- Share capital
- Last net profit
- Last turnover
- Status
- Name and contact of shareholders
- Name and contact of managers
- etc.